
Diagnosing Acute Coronary Syndrome

Diagnostic value of cardiac markers

According to the ESC/ACC consensus definition, an increase of troponin during the first 24 hours following the onset of symptoms is indicative of myocardial injury.
[Myocardial infarction redefined – a consensus document of The Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the redefinition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J. 2000; 21: 1502-1513]

Patients with an increased troponin concentration must be regarded as patients at high risk of death or myocardial infarction (MI), and must receive specific treatment. Troponins have assumed a central role in risk stratification and therapeutic decision-making in professional guidelines published by the ACC/AHA and the ESC.

However, serial measurements are recommended. During the first 6 hours after the onset of chest pain, the combination of myoglobin and troponin is considered most useful for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). For patients admitted more than 6 hours after onset of symptoms, troponin alone is the best cardiac marker (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Kinetics of cardiac markers
[Wu A.H. et al., National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry – Standards of laboratory practice: recommendations for the use of cardiac markers in coronary artery diseases. Clin. Chem. 1999; 45: 1104-1121]
Often, a blood test is performed for cardiac troponins 12 hours after onset of chest pain. If this is positive, coronary angiography is typically performed on an urgent basis, as a positive troponin result is highly predictive of re-infarction.

Troponin is also valuable for the detection of minor myocardial injury in the absence of overt ischemic heart disease associated with other clinical situations, such as percutaneous coronary artery intervention, cardiovascular surgery, non-cardiac surgery, heart failure, renal failure, trauma, burns, acute myocarditis, acute pericarditis, pulmonary embolism and sepsis.



Pengakhiran Kehamilan pada Trimester 1 & 2

Abortus berbeda dengan Aborsi

Definisi Aborsi : Terminasi kehamilan sebelum umur kehamilan 20 (28) minggu dan dengan berat janin < 500 gram.
- Early Abortion : sebelum 12 minggu
- Late Abortion  : dari 12-20 (28) minggu.

Abortus profokatus (buatan) : Suatu usaha pengakhiran kehamilan dengan Obat maupun tindakan Operasi pada janin < 20 (28) minggu, dimana janin (hasil konsepsi) yang dikeluarkan tidak bisa bertahan hidup di dunia luar.
- Elektif : Jika dilakukan karena permintaan Ibu.
- Therapeutic/ medisinalis : Jika dilakukan atas indikasi untuk mempertahankan kesehatan Ibu. Pertimbangan dilakukan oleh minimal 3 dokter spesialis Obsgyn, Interna dan Jiwa.

Abortus spontan : merupakan mekanisme alamiah yang menyebabkan terhentinya proses kehamilan sebelum berumur < 20 (28) minggu. Penyebabnya dapat berasal dari penyakit yg diderita Ibu atau karena sebab lain (umumny berhub. dgn kelainan pada sistem reproduksi).

Induksi kehamilan: Usaha mempercepat persalinan sebelum ada tanda-tanda persalinan.
Stimulasi kehamilan : Usaha mempercepat persalinan sesudah ada tanda-tanda persalinan.
Obat u/ mematangkan serviks : Prostaglandin E.1 => Misoprostol

Indikasi :

  • Abortus Provokatus

    1. Penyakit Ibu :
      - Penyakit Jantung yg menimbulkan Decompensatio Cordis
      - Hipertensi esensial yg berat
      - Penyakit Ginjal yg menahun dg kemunduran fungsi ginjal
      - Penyakit Jiwa
      - Carsinoma Cervic Uteri
    2. Kemungkinan bayi yg dilahirkan cacat. Pada wanita hamil yg menderita Rubella, yg minum Obat (ex: Thalidomide) dlm Triwulan pertama.
  • Abortus Spontan

    1. Kelainan pertumbuhan hasil konsepsi (kelainan kromosom, lingkungan kurang sempurna, pengaruh dari luar => virus, obat, dll)
    2. Kelainan pada plasenta
    3. Penyakit Ibu (pneumonia, tifus, malaria, dll)
    4. Kelainan traktus genitalis (retroversio uteri, mioma uteri, serviks inkompeten, dll)

    Dasar HUKUM / Norma /Agama pun mengatur tentang tindakan yang berkait Abortus

    Sumber: Catatan kuliah dr. A. Laqif Sp.OG (K), SMF Kebidanan dan Kandungan, RSUD dr. Moewardi/ FK UNS

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